Moving In

Moving into your newly constructed home is an exciting and rewarding milestone. Here, we would like to outline several processes to help you better understand your Occupancy Date, your move in, your new home warranty, and receiving the title to your new home.

Understanding Your Occupancy Date

Your Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) includes a Statement of Critical Dates as part of the Addendum to which it is attached. These dates mark target milestones towards moving into your new home, and how they may change throughout the construction process as allowed by Tarion.

Statement of Critical Dates

The First Tentative Occupancy Date is the date that we anticipate your home will be completed and ready to move in. For pre-construction homes, we tend to provide you with our earliest possible estimate for when we can expect to welcome the very first residents in each phase. In general, the occupancy process occurs over several weeks or months as final construction activities are completed.

A Subsequent Tentative Occupancy Date may be provided on one or more occasions to notify you of delayed occupancy timing. As your Vendor and Builder, it is our responsibility to complete your new home taking all reasonable steps to avoid delay. If for any reason we are required to revise your Occupancy Date, we will provide you with written notice at least 90 days in advance of your existing Tentative Occupancy Date.

Below are a few examples of potential reasons for a revised Occupancy Date:
  • Normal occupancy schedules are staged over several weeks or months due to the nature of construction progress;
  • The occurrence of an unavoidable delay;
  • Construction schedule delays which may be beyond our control, including delayed critical supply delivery, delayed utility connections, long periods of inclement weather;
  • Construction delays which may or may not be within our control, including consultant delays, delays receiving permits or approvals, or onsite changes to construction;
  • Early termination conditions for the project have not yet been met.

We will provide a Final Tentative Occupancy Date within 30 days of the assembly of your rooftop to give you a more accurate expectation of when you will be able to move into your new home. If your Agreement of Purchase and Sale is completed after the Roof Assembly date, it will include a Final Tentative Occupancy Date (or Firm Occupancy Date) within the TARION Addendum.

A Firm Occupancy Date will be provided once your Builder is certain of your Occupancy Date. Your home’s Firm Occupancy Date will be within 120 days of your Final Tentative Occupancy Date, and you will receive notice of this change at least 90 days before your existing Final Tentative Occupancy Date.

Interim Occupancy

When you purchase a pre-construction home, you may be able to occupy your completed unit while the rest of the building or townhome phase is still undergoing its final stages of construction, including other homes and/or common elements. This is called Interim Occupancy (or Occupancy) and it can begin as soon as the building is deemed by the city to be safe for occupancy.

A common source of confusion for condo purchasers is the difference between Interim Occupancy and ownership. Interim Occupancy is not the same as ownership. Your home may be ready for you to move into, but you will not receive title to your home until construction of your building or townhome phase is complete and a Condominium Corporation is registered with the municipality.

An Interim Occupancy period can last anywhere from a few weeks up to a year or more. The length of Interim Occupancy typically depends on the stage of construction when you took Occupancy of your unit. In general, we aim to keep Interim Occupancy as short as possible to turn over the ownership of your home to you as quickly as possible.

Interim Occupancy Fees

During the Interim Occupancy period, you will be required to pay a monthly occupancy fee to your Builder, whether you move into the home or not. This Interim Occupancy fee is based on guidelines set by the Condominium Act and includes the interest on the unpaid balance of the purchase price, estimated monthly municipal taxes for the unit, and the projected common expense fees for the unit. Interim Occupancy fees are only applicable during the Interim Occupancy period, and they are not credited to the final purchase price of your condominium Unit. Interim Occupancy fees are comparable to rental payments for the right to live in your new home before its ownership is turned over.

Your Move-in Date

The local municipality will issue an occupancy permit when it determines that your unit is fit for occupancy based on the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. This does not mean your home or building has reached 100% completion, but allows us to begin the Interim Occupancy period of your home and give you the opportunity to move in, should you choose to.
To learn more visit:

48-Hour Warranty Form

At Brightwater, we want to take extra care to ensure your unit meets your expectations. We have therefore introduced a 48-hour Warranty form. While not mandatory, the 48-Hour Warranty Form helps our Service Care team take care of issues in your home as soon as possible after you receive Occupancy. This form is to be submitted to our Service Care team at the email address provided for the development phase of your new home.

30-Day Warranty Form

The 30-Day Warranty Form is used to notify us of any outstanding warranty items during the first 30 days of possession of your new home. When the deadline ends on a holiday or weekend, the deadline is extended to the next business day. We recommend that you complete and submit a 30-Day Form through the formal Tarion MyHome process several days in advance of the 30-day mark. On this Form, you may include items that were listed on your Pre-Delivery Inspection Form or 48-Hour Warranty Form that have not yet been addressed, as well as new items that you have discovered since taking possession of your home.

If your occupancy commences after May 1, 2024, you are now also able to submit a 6-month Warranty Form through Tarion MyHome.

Year-End Warranty Form

This form is used to notify TARION of outstanding warranty items during the last 30 days of the first year of possession of your new home. The submission deadline is one day prior to the one-year anniversary of your home’s Occupancy Date. You may submit only one Year-End Form, so please be sure the items listed are exhaustive. TARION will only accept and act on the first Year-End Form that has been properly submitted correctly and on time. It must be submitted through Tarion MyHome.

Moving In

Final Closing

Brightwater Cares

Our Customer Care team is happy to assist you should you have
any questions specific to your home purchase or process.
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